Student Hub

Wayfinder Society for Environmental Education

Tools and support for students taking action on plastic pollution.

Join our community of changemakers!

Make an impact with our Student Action Guides

Explore ways to take action on plastic pollution in your home and community. Each Action has step-by-step directions.

So far the Wayfinder Society Student Community has spent 4160 Hours to end plastic pollution worldwide!

Join us!

Learn about Environmental Problems and Authentic Solutions

Check out our educational videos to learn more about plastic pollution, climate change, environmental justice, and solutions that people are implementing to create true change.

Track Your Contribution

Create an account to track the hours you’ve contributed to addressing the plastic problem. Use these hours for community service requirements, and add them on your college application and resume. 

Apply for a Mini-Grant

Apply for funding to support your community project or educational goal to address plastic pollution.

Get Inspired

Students have been at the forefront of creating change in their homes, schools, communities, and the world. Check out our student spotlights to get inspiration from your peers on how to make your own impact!


How do I use the Wayfinder Society Student Hub resources?

There are different ways to use the resources on the Student Hub. You don’t need to create an account to access any of our educational content, however, by creating an account you can track your progress, earn Hours, certificates and prizes, apply for the Student Mini-Grant, and be highlighted in our Student Spotlight articles. These are the different ways you might use the Student Hub: 

  • Create an individual account to track your personal achievements and contributions to addressing plastic pollution. Browse our Actions page to find over 35 different ways to make positive changes at home, at school, and in your community.  
  • Create a team account and work together to complete Actions that address plastic pollution at the home, school, and community level. The team manager creates and manages the account for the whole team.  
  • Class accounts can be created by teachers who want to use the Student Hub in class for class assignments, homework or extra credit.  Learn more in our How-to Guide: Ideas for using the Student Hub to empower your students to take action. 
  • Don’t create an account, but just use the Actions, Solution Set videos, and other resources for inspiration and guidance on your journey to address plastic pollution. 
  • Get inspired by your peers by reading or watching our Student Spotlights which share about the incredible work being done by young people around the world to put an end to our overuse of plastic.  
  • Get funding to support your projects, books and equipment requirements, community events, unpaid internships and more through our global Student Mini-grants
How do I start earning hours?
Check out the Action page to see the different ways to take action in your home, community, and at school. Each Action will provide you with background information and directions to follow. After completing an action you can submit your work using the Track section. You'll need to log in for that. Once you submit your work, the Wayfinder Society team will review and approve your hours or send you feedback which you can find in your Profile under "Messages."
How are my submitted Actions reviewed?

All submissions will be reviewed by real humans working at Algalita. We will be approving or rejecting submissions on a grading scale. Submissions will be judged for quality of answers (see below), completeness, authenticity, and personality. Most of the questions in the submission forms do not have correct answers. We want to see your effort, creativity, and thoughtfulness in your answers. 

How do I know how many hours I have earned?
Head on over to your profile. You can always find this link in the top right of your screen under "My Profile", or toward the bottom of the menu if you are on a mobile device. Check out the “Milestones” page in the Student Hub to discover more ways to earn hours.
What is Wayfinder Society's Generative AI policy?

We understand that we are in the age of AI. AI is a powerful learning tool but has its limitations. As we want to maintain the educational authenticity and quality of our program, we use tools and our intuition to detect AI.

Your response must be original and register as maximum 30% AI-generated in our third-party testing, or it will be declined. We would rather see your effort, and a few spelling and grammatical errors, than a perfect but boring submission created by AI.

Do submissions need to be in English?

No. We are thrilled that our Wayfinder Society community is international!  We know that not everyone is a native English speaker, so if you feel more comfortable crafting your response in your native language, feel free to do so. Either, you can use an online translation tool to translate your responses to English, or we will do so on our end before reviewing. 

Are rewards and prizes available for members outside of the United States?
Throughout your Wayfinder Society journey you will have opportunities to earn special awards and prizes.  Currently all physical awards and prizes (certificates not included) offered through Wayfinder Society are available for people that reside in the United States.  The Student Mini-grants are available for students located anywhere in the world!
How do I change my account settings or delete my account?
Here is where you can change your password, update your account settings or delete your account. You can always find this link in the top right of your screen under "Student Hub" > "Account", or toward the bottom of the menu if you are on a mobile device. This is the same menu where you will find your profile.
What if I have more questions?
Contact us if you can't find the answer to your question on the site.
I am not getting my Wayfinder Society emails.
First, make sure that your email address is correct in your account. Also, make sure to add to your address book. Sometimes you may also find our messages in your spam folder.

About our Logo

With the stars as their guide, Wayfinders made discoveries on land and sea. Our logo creates a new constellation for a new generation of leaders working together to solve plastic pollution.