We investigate to educate.

Our Mission

We envision a world where plastic pollution is unthinkable. Our action plan: design and deliver educational experiences that empower individuals to understand the full-scope of plastic pollution’s impact on people and the planet, while also providing tangible ways to support solutions. We offer a diverse array of free educational resources for educators and students through our Wayfinder Society for Environmental Education program.

We Value:

EVERYONE and their unique contributions and perspectives. We believe everyone belongs and we’ll do our best to support you however we can.

INVESTIGATION and its critical role in the design of our programs. We embrace the complexities involved while gathering facts.

EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING that awakens, sparks realizations, and ignites curiosity.

IMAGINATION, future-thinking, mind-mapping, brainstorming, design-thinking…we love anything that might result in surprising conclusions and new ways of doing things!

BALANCE between patience and urgency. Balance between grit and grief. Because systemic change takes time, trust, and endurance, we must practice compassion while working towards solutions.

Our Inspiration

Captain Moore

Our vision and values are embodied by Captain Charles Moore, who founded Algalita nearly 30 years ago. His endless dedication toward investigation and education, his gift for future-thinking, and his incredible ability to speak frankly, yet poetically, has led countless individuals to care about this issue. We are so lucky and thankful to work by his side.


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