
Use these Pathways to navigate your journey to help us stop plastic pollution.


Browse the Pathways and pick one you’d like to accomplish!


Create an account and dive into the first Action!


Complete all Actions in a Pathway and earn the Badge! You’ll find it in your Profile.

Earth Protector Pathway

Try out the Earth Protector Pathway for Earth Month this April – or do it anytime – the Earth with thank you!




Project image card - click to select this 5 hour project. Image shows assorted plastic waste closeup

Do a Single-Use Plastic Waste Audit

Measure your plastic waste at home and identify one way to reduce it.


Project image card - click to select this 5 hour project. Image shows assorted plastic waste closeup

Ask Your Elders

Interview an elder in your family or community to learn how they lived with less plastic.


Project image card - click to select this 5 hour project. Image shows assorted plastic waste closeup

Recharge in Nature

Have fun and relax in nature!


Project image card - click to select this 5 hour project. Image shows assorted plastic waste closeup

Write a Love Letter to the Sea

Give the ocean a voice by sending a Love Letter to the Sea.


Earth Month Badge - Earn by completing the 5 Actions listed before.

Earn the Earth Protector Badge!

Complete all 4 Actions to earn this Earth Protector Badge!

Beginner Pathway

This pathway is perfect for students who are just getting started out on their environmental activism journey.




Image card - click to go to the Story of Plastic Animated Short Video.

Watch the Story of Plastic Animated Short

Get introduced to the global plastic pollution problem by watching this short video.


Project image card - click to select this 2 hour project cocreated with UPSTREAM. Image shows a woman sits at a laptop with headphones on

Explore Uplifting Solutions

Learn about what people are already doing to address plastic pollution by listening to a podcast.


Project image card - click to select this 2 hour project cocreated with UPSTREAM. Image shows a woman sits at a laptop with headphones on

Pack a Litterless Lunch

Pack a lunch without single-use plastic.


Project image card - click to select this 1 hour project. Image shows people at a march holding signs, one saying "the is no planet b"

Get Moving with the #Break Free From Plastic Movement

Learn what a social movement is, and how they work, by learning about the global movement to end plastic pollution.


Beginner's Badge - Earn by completing the 5 Actions listed before.

Earn the Earth Protector Badge!

Complete all 4 Actions to earn this Earth Protector Badge!

Sustainable School Pathway

Take these Actions to raise awareness about plastic pollution and guide your fellow students to reduce waste.



Project image card - click to select this 2 hour project. Image shows lunch containers with unpackaged sandwich, veggies, and fruit

Trending: #NudeFood

Organize a litterless lunch day with your friends or classmates.


Project image card - click to select this 2 hour project. Image shows lunch containers with unpackaged sandwich, veggies, and fruit

Compost Your Food Waste

Collect food scraps in your classroom and learn about the environmental benefits of composting.


Project image card - click to select this 2 hour project. Image shows lunch containers with unpackaged sandwich, veggies, and fruit

Banish the Spork Packet

Reduce excess plastic waste in the cafeteria with simple tips.


Project image card - click to select this 2 hour project. Image shows lunch containers with unpackaged sandwich, veggies, and fruit

Get Creative with Artivism

Educate the rest of your school with a Public Service Announcement about littering.


Sustainable School Badge - Earn by completing the 5 Actions listed before.

Earn the Sustainable School Badge!

Complete all 4 Actions to earn this Sustainable School Badge!

Inspire Change with Art Pathway

Art is one of the most powerful forces for change. Put on your creativity hat and have fun!



Project image card - click to select this 2 hour project. Image shows two surfers walking on the beach.

Create a Better Bag

Sustainable and stylish – inspire others with your upcycled bag.


Project image card - click to select this 2 hour project. Image shows two surfers walking on the beach.

Storytelling for the Future

If you can imagine a better future, you can create it!


Project image card - click to select this 3 hour project. Image shows go pro on a tripod with a view of a mountain lake in the background

Get Creative with Artivism

Educate and entertain with a song or video about the problems or solutions to plastic pollution.


Project image card - click to select this 2 hour project. Image shows two surfers walking on the beach.

Write a Love Letter to the Sea

Speak up for the oceans by sending a Love Letter to the Sea to a person in a position of power.


Artivist Badge - Earn by completing the 5 Actions listed before.

Earn the Artivist Badge!

Complete all 4 Actions to earn this Artivist Badge!

Systems Thinker Pathway

Advance your understanding of plastic pollution by learning about the stakeholders and impacted communities.




Project image card - click to select this 3 hour project. Image shows a person investigating head-high piles of plastic waste.

The Story of Plastic – Watch the Film

Watch The Story of Plastic documentary and share your thoughts with us.


Project image card - click to select this 3 hour project. Image shows Green paint and paintbrush.

Be a Greenwashing Detective

Train yourself to detect greenwashing and understand its complexities.


Project image card - click to select this 1 hour project. Image shows a stack of eight iPhones

Signal the Alarm on Planned Obsolescence

Learn about another strategy brands use to sell more and make more waste.


Project image card - click to select this 1 hour project. Image shows post-its on a whiteboard arranged in a system map.

The Story of Plastic – System Mapping

Map out how plastic influences our world: our choices, planet, health, and social systems.


Systems Thinker Badge - Earn by completing the 5 Actions listed before.

Earn the Systems Thinker Badge!

Complete all 4 Actions to earn this Systems Thinker Badge.

Environmental Justice Pathway

Learn how plastic production disproportionately impacts communities and take action to create a better future for everyone.




Image card - click to go to the Breathe This Air video. Image shows a home in front of a refinery.

Watch “Breathe this Air” Short Documentary.

Watch this video before doing the other actions.


Project image card - click to select this 2 hour project. Image shows a facility that refines fossil fuels.

Examine Language Injustice with the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Find out how language and historical barriers can oppress a community’s opportunities to shape and protect their own health and environment.


Project image card - click to select this 5 hour project. Image shows closeup of leafy greens in a garden bed

Design a Zero Waste Composting Network

Start digging into true solutions that build up communities’ soil and health, and that put a spotlight on plastic waste.


Project image card - click to select this 3 hour project. Image shows animation sketch of a dragon

Storytelling for the Future

If you can imagine a more sustainable and just future, then you can create it! Write your story then share it with your community.


Environmental Justice Badge - Earn by completing the 5 Actions listed before.

Earn the Environmental Justice Badge!

Complete all 4 Actions to earn this Environmental Justice Badge.

Activate Your Community Pathway

Follow these Actions to find out how plastic waste is impacting your community and take steps to reduce waste!




Project image card - click to select this 3 hour project. Image shows government building with columns.

Map Out My Local Government

Find out who in your city can help address local plastic pollution.


Project image card - click to select this 2 hour project. Image shows a child talking to an adult on a video call.

Engage with a Community Change-maker

Connect with another change-maker who is addressing plastic pollution in your area.


Project image card - click to select this 10 hour project. Image shows students work together to make reusable bags out of old tshirts

Host a Better Bag Workshop

Get reusable bags into lots of hands and homes by hosting a workshop.


Project image card - click to select this 8 hour project. Image shows close up of a table set with reusable foodware

Inspire Change in Restaurants

Help a local restaurant cut down on single-use plastics.


Community Changemaker Badge - Earn by completing the 5 Actions listed before.

Complete all 4 Actions to earn this Community Change-Maker Badge!

Story of Plastic Pathway

Get to the core of plastic pollution and take action from a global perspective.



Project image card - click to select this 3 hour project. Image shows a person investigating head-high piles of plastic waste.

The Story of Plastic – Watch the Film

Watch The Story of Plastic documentary and share your thoughts with us.


Project image card - click to select this 1 hour project. Image shows closeup of a person's hand, addressing an envelope.

Write to a Hero in the Film

Write a letter to a hero in The Story of Plastic film to thank them for sharing their story.


Project image card - click to select this 8 hour project. Image shows a closeup of a projector

Host a Screening

Host an in-person or virtual screening of The Story of Plastic documentary.


Project image card - click to select this 10 hour project. Image shows people sorting waste collected during an on-the-water cleanup

Conduct a #BreakFreeFromPlastic Brand Audit

Hold brands accountable for plastic pollution by adding data for your community to a global study.


Artivist Badge - Earn by completing the 5 Actions listed before.

Earn the Story of Plastic Badge!

Complete all 4 Actions to earn this Story of Plastic Badge!

Civic Engagement Pathway

Practice collecting data and sharing your story with your local representatives to work towards a more sustainable city.



Project image card - click to select this 3 hour project. Image shows government building with columns.

Map Out My Local Government

Find out how your local government is structured.


Project image card - click to select this 1 hour project. Image shows a person holding plastic utensil packets found on the beach


Learn about a policy that cities are using to reduce unnecessary plastic waste.


Project image card - click to select this 5 hour project. Image shows close up of a microscope

Attend a City Council Meeting

Bring up plastic pollution with your local government representatives.


Project image card - click to select this 4 hour project. Image shows two government officials discuss a document

Engage with a Local Politician

Meet with or write to a local representative about your concerns with, and ideas for addressing plastic pollution in your area.


Artivist Badge - Earn by completing the 5 Actions listed before.

Earn the Active Citizen Badge!

Complete all 4 Actions to earn this Active Citizen badge!

Questions and Answers

Do I need to create an account to earn a Badge?

Yes, you’ll need to create an account. Both individuals and teams can earn Badges. 

Note: If you signed up with your teacher using a class code, you can also earn Badges!

How do I create an account?

Create an Account here, or login to start Tracking your Actions.

How do I submit an Action?

Once you’ve logged in, click on the Action in the Pathway or on the Action Guides page that you want to work on. Near the bottom of the page, you’ll find the “Track Your Contribution” section. Review the form before doing the Action so you know what you’ll need to submit. Once you’ve completed the Action, complete the form, and click SUBMIT! Give our team 1-2 business days to read and review your Action. Once it’s been reviewed you’ll see the Action in the Completed Achievement tab of your Profile. If your Action was rejected, you’ll find a message in the Messages tab of your profile with information on what you need to do to improve your resubmission of the Action.  You can resubmit as many times as needed.

Do I need to do the Pathway in the order shown?

No, but we’ve ordered them in a way that they build off each other as you learn.

Who reviews the Actions I submit?

Wayfinder Society is powered completely by the Algalita team.

Trina    Emily     Anika      Katie

Our small team of employees, currently including Trina, Emily, Anika, and Katie, read each submission as soon as possible and assess it according to our rubric.

Read our team bios and learn about our amazing board and advisors here.

Learn more about our mission, work, and history here.

How are my submitted Actions reviewed?

As our Actions generally do not include correct/incorrect answers, a submitted Action is approved if:

  • Your responses are authentic and show the work you’ve put into completing the Action.
  • You’ve completed each prompt to the best of your ability.
  • You’ve adequately demonstrated that you’ve understood the prompt and you’ve attempted to provide a quality response.

Actions are generally declined if:

  • Your responses are nonsensical or inappropriate.
  • Your responses are plagiarized.
What if English isn't my first language?

You may write your responses in your native language and use an online translating tool to translate your responses. Or, you may also submit your responses in your native language. We will use a translating tool to translate your responses for you.

Can I use AI?

While this emerging tool may be helpful, we may reject your submission if we cannot identify that you indeed completed the Action. The nature of this program encourages students to challenge themselves to learn, participate in their community, and take meaningful Action on plastic pollution and environmental issues. Our perspective is that using AI may provide summaries, ideas, and responses for clear cut questions, but it does not help you develop your skills, get into the community, or foster critical thinking that is unique to you! We would rather see a less than “perfect” response that is authentic to you, than a generic and meaningless response from AI. 

Do you have more questions or need to contact us?

Please reach out to us if you have additional questions, need assistance, or to let us know how we can better accommodate your needs. Contact us here.