Last month, we had the privilege of ending the school year with our dedicated community of students and educators from across the globe during our 2024 Wayfinder Society Community Awards Celebration! To accommodate our international audience, we hosted two identical events at different times via Zoom, and the turnout was incredible, with participants joining from across the globe. 

During the event, we announced the 2024 cohort of Student Mini-Grant awardees, in addition to celebrating the many individuals who received our Educator Mini-Grant over the past year. We reflected on the incredible successes of the Wayfinder Society program, while also looking forward to next year at our goals to expand and evolve the program for greater impact. Check out the program to learn more!

Although we weren’t physically together, the event reminded us of our deep interconnectedness through our shared passion for addressing plastic pollution. This issue affects us all differently depending on where we live, yet we also see striking similarities in the challenges we face globally and the unified vision driving our mission to create a world where plastic pollution is unthinkable. For those of you who were unable to make the event and want some inspiration to kick off summer break, you can watch the recording here.

Thank you to everyone who joined us and contributed to making the celebration a success!
Here’s to another year of progress and community.