Educator Nomination Form

Tell us about a teacher who conducts outstanding environmental education,
and why they should be selected for our next educator mini-grant and spotlight.

See all details here.

  • Tell us about about the educator you would like to nominate

  • Please provide the full name of the school
  • Tell us why you are nominating this educator for a mini-grant and educator spotlight!

    If you're nominating yourself, please write in the first person point of view. Thank you!
  • Thank you! Please provide your contact information so we can get in touch if necessary.

  • If you are under 18 years of age, please provide your parent/guardian email instead.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

*To make sure your application has been submitted, please check for a confirmation email. Thank you!


If you have any questions about the Educator Mini-Grants or application, please contact us.

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