Standards & Guides

Find ideas for using our resources, plus guidance for incorporating our resources into your US teaching standards, including NGSS and APES. 

Standards Alignment Guides

Suggested outlines for incorporating our free materials into your standards-aligned curriculum.

Workers sweep plastic debris washing over seawall

AP Environmental Science Unit 8: Plastic Pollution and Solid Waste

This guide outlines our suggestions for how to incorporate our resources into your Advanced Placement Environmental Science Unit 8 curriculum on aquatic and terrestrial pollution.

Grades 10 to 12
2 to 6 hours

Close up of sand grains and plastic particles.

NGSS MS-PS1-3 Synthetic Materials

This guide will outline our suggestions for how to use a few of our resources to teach about the following Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Performance Expectation: MS-PS 1-3 Gather and make sense of info to describe that synthetic materials come from natural resources and impact society.

Grades 6 to 8
Variable Timing

Guide image tile- plastic bag floating under water

NGSS MS-ESS 3-3 Human Impact - "Plastic Ocean" 

This guide will outline our suggestions for how to use a few of our resources to teach about the following Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Performance Expectation: MS-ESS 3-3 Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment.

Grades 6 to 8
Variable Timing

How-to Videos

Here you’ll find informational videos to help you maximize the resources and support found on Wayfinder Society for Environmental Education.

Introduction to Wayfinder Society

Just getting started? This video gives an overview of Wayfinder Society for Environmental Education. 

How to Use Our Classroom Resources In Your Curriculum

Want to incorporate plastic pollution into your curriculum but don’t know where to start? We have many  free resources for Grades 4-12 including lessons, science toolkits, and more. In this overview of our resources we share ideas for incorporating this important topic into your curriculum. Our resources will help you bring current, real-world environmental science education into your classroom, whether it’s through the NGSS standards, climate change literacy, marine bio, AP Environmental Science or your school’s Green Team.

About our Student Hub: Empower your students to take action

All you need to know about how to use our Student Hub in your classroom, with sign instructions and inspiration.

How-to Guides

Here you’ll find how-to guides to help you maximize the resources and support found on Wayfinder Society for Environmental Education.

Contents of the Plastic Ocean Teaching Kit (Previously called the Debris Science Investigation Kit)

About our Toolkits: hands-on out-of-the-box reusable kits

What are Wayfinder Society’s Toolkits? Our toolkits provide educators with out-of-the-box activities that help students explore environmental issues.

Students and teacher talking at a table

About our Lessons: adaptable, real-world lessons designed by environmental experts and educators

What are Wayfinder Society’s Lessons? Free, Digital, but also printable, Ready to use, Editable, and more!

Students and teacher talking at a table

About the Student Hub: helping educators navigate the Hub with ease 

A free, digital, and easy-to-use resource that covers everything you need to get started and includes tips for integrating the Student Hub into your teaching

“Because of Algalita, I don’t feel alone in trying to solve one of the most difficult issues facing our environment today.”

-Christine Davis, Student