In Memory of Marjorie

In Memory of Marjorie

It was a typical Thursday morning. I arrived at the office and began sorting through a stack of envelopes on my desk. Categorizing them into piles, I came across an ordinary looking envelope with the return address of one of our long-time donors. Thinking it was our...
Grand Opening Party

Grand Opening Party

Join us for an epic evening at Algalita headquarters celebrating Capt. Charles Moore and our sister nonprofit, Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research. The Moore Institute Lab is on track to become the first certified lab to test for microplastics in drinking...
An epic year for Algalita!

An epic year for Algalita!

**Photo: Charlie was the Grand Marshal of the Belmont Shore Parade this year and our float won best original design!! Creating meaningful human experiences has always been foundational to Algalita’s mission – and I intend for my annual letter to be no exception! I...