
Real-world, interactive environmental science labs.

All materials included.

Featured Toolkit:

Synthetic Sand Kit

Analyze real microplastic-contaminated sand from Southern California to explore plastic pollution and its impact on coastal ecosystems. Each kit includes four sand samples, magnifying glasses, and an information card. Students identify synthetic debris, calculate microplastic density, and discuss their findings, making plastic pollution visible through hands-on investigation.

Grades 5 and up
Time Needed
30 to 60 minutes, or 2 hour fieldtrip

Applicable Units: Synthetic Materials, Human Impacts on the Environment, Water Pollution

Free for public school educators in the US.

Contents of the Plastic Ocean Teaching Kit (Previously called the Debris Science Investigation Kit)

Plastic Ocean Investigation Kit

Investigate the impacts of microplastics on our oceans with 3 rotating activities. The Plastic Ocean Investigation Kit (a.k.a. the Debris Science Investigation Kit) is an all-included, prepared activity for educators to use in the classroom. Students rotate through three hands-on activities, including studying microplastics in an ocean gyre sample, investigating the densities of various plastics and their effects on ecosystems, and mapping out where we find plastics in our oceans. Each activity includes a station card with background information, a student worksheet with investigation instructions, and 3 sets of materials for that station.

Grades 5 and up
50 minutes

$80 value – Free for public school educators in USA

Contents of the Plastic Ocean Teaching Kit (Previously called the Debris Science Investigation Kit)


The Wayfinder Society TAKE ACTION! Toolkit is your go-to classroom companion for bringing the Student Hub to life! Designed to help educators integrate Wayfinder Actions into their lessons, this kit makes it easier than ever to connect student-driven environmental action with learning standards.

Inside, you’ll find Action Pathways cards—your roadmap to linking Wayfinder Actions with your curriculum—alongside exciting student rewards to keep motivation high. Prizes Include:

  • 3 Wayfinder Stickers – Inspire students with these bold, ocean-inspired designs.
  • 2 Wooden Pins – A badge of honor for taking action!
  • 10 Prize Cards with QR Codes – Students can scan to win amazing rewards like reusables, school supplies, exclusive Wayfinder merch, extra Student Hub hours, mentor sessions, and even a certificate signed by Captain Charles Moore himself!

$50 value – Free for public school educators in USA

Closeup image of plastic pollution in woody debris of a beach wrackline.

Synthetic Sand Investigation Kit

Investigate beach sand for plastic contamination levels, and observe human impacts on coastal ecosystem health, using our microplastic-filled sand samples from Southern California. Each sample kit contains 4 sample jars and 4 magnifying glasses, plus an information card about the sample. Incorporate this lesson into your synthetic materials unit. Students use their senses and a clue sheet to distinguish synthetic debris from natural components in sand like shells, rocks, and plant matter. They then calculate the spatial density of microplastic pollution, and discuss their results.

Grades 5 and up
30 to 60 minutes

$30 value – Free for public school educators in USA

Phone and clip on microscope show shirt fabric magnified. Partner-Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research

Microfibers Investigation Kit 

Study microfiber air pollution in your classroom with clip-on microscopes. Microfiber pollution and exposure is still a new area of research within the field of plastic pollution. We want to better understand our exposure to airborne microfibers. Join us to study them with our Investigate Microfibers Lab. Compare indoor and outdoor deposition levels using clip-on microscopes and our simple sample collectors.

Co-created with Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research

Grades 6 and up
2 to 4 hours across 1 week

$60 value – Free for public school educators in USA

Documentary poster for The Story of Plastic

The Story of Plastic Documentary Digital Toolkit

This feature-length Emmy-winning documentary reveals the human side of the plastic problem. This film heroes front line communities around the world who are facing the impacts of plastic production and disposal. Use our free screening guide to navigate the complex themes of this documentary with your students. We’ve provided follow-up activities to discuss the main ideas, evaluate the documentary from a film-makers perspective, process emotional reactions, and take action in your classroom and community.

Co-created with The Story of Plastic

Grades 8 and up
2 hours plus

Free screening guide

Toolkit image card - Closeup of copies of Plastic Ocean book on table

Plastic Ocean Travelling Book Set Toolkit

Research, comprehend, discuss, and communicate about the problem of plastic pollution and solutions to this global challenge through a literary lens. Request to borrow our travelling class set of 40 copies of Plastic Ocean. Algalita’s keystone book is written by Cassandra Phillips and Founder Capt. Charles Moore who is credited with discovering the swirling soup of plastic in the North Pacific Ocean. Use three lessons created by educators to build off of the book.

Grades 9 and up
4-6 weeks

Free for public school educators in USA

* Notice: We currently only ship to locations in the US. 

“You have no idea…but you MADE MY DAY! I’ve been wanting environmental education materials like this for a long time now!”

– Ginneh Lewis, Science Educator at Alliance College-Ready Middle Academy, Los Angeles