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Free, editable, hands-on environmental education lesson plans.

Resources for teaching effective environmental education.

Featured Lesson!

Campus Cleanup

Collect and sort trash found at school to help develop a solution for decreasing trash on campus.

Applicable subject areas: Science, Math, Social Science

Co-created with educator Ashley Contreras. Included in the Plastic Ocean Experience Guide.

Grades 4 and up
1-2 hours

Lesson image card - close up of hand holding litter

Lesson Modules

Mix and match these modules, edit the handouts, and adapt to fit in your curriculum. All materials can be downloaded, edited, printed, and uploaded to your Learning Management System (LMS). Click on the image or description to access.

Human Impacts on the Environment, Ecosystems

Assorted plastic debris objects arranged by color.

The Problem with Plastics

Think, Pair, Share

Discuss the benefits and consequences of plastic for human societies, using Think, Pair, Share cooperative learning.

Grades 6 and up
30 minutes
Human Impacts, Social Sciences
Standards NGSS MS-PS 1-3 Synthetic Materials

Close up of an albatross, sea bird, sitting on the ocean surface.

Plastic Pollution Sources and Sinks

Evidence Image Cards

How does plastic get into and impact ecosystems?

Grades 4 and up
30 to 60 minutes
Subjects Human Impacts on the Environment, Ecosystems, Water Pollution
 NGSS Science and Engineering Practices, NGSS MS-LS 2-4, APES Unit 8


Lesson image card - close up of hand holding litter

Campus Cleanup

Outdoor Investigation

Collect and sort trash found at school to help develop a solution for decreasing trash on campus.

Co-created with educator Ashley Contreras

Grades 4 and up
1-2 hours

Lesson image card - A dissected lanternfish and ingested microplastics.

Biomagnification in the Marine Food Web


Explore the phenomenon of biomagnification through simulations of the California marine food web. Construct an argument using evidence from a seafood investigation to show how changes in the ecosystem affect the marine fish populations.

Co-created with educator Dori Hess and Ashley Contreras

Grades 7 and up
2-3 hours

Lesson image card - Traditional Materials

Examining traditional materials as solutions to overuse of plastic


Examine the cultural significance of traditional materials, their sources, and uses for everyday items, learn traditional handicraft techniques, and identify opportunities for replacing single use plastic with reusables made from traditional materials.

Co-created with educator Clinton Ezeigwe

Grades 3 and up
3-5 hours

Lesson image card - Rubber ducks in a gutter

Currents and Gyres – Plastics and Global Circulation


Investigate how global currents form and influence climate and the distribution of plastic pollution throughout the world ocean.

Co-created with educator Neil Leonard

Grades 6 and up
2-3 hours

Synthetic Materials, Climate Change Connections

A classroom desk.

Synthetic or Natural?

Scavenger Hunt

Contemplate the difference between synthetic and natural materials that make up common items and explore the pros and cons of synthetic materials.

Grades 5 and up
30 to 60 minutes

A fracking well pad with containers and equipment sits among trees.A fracking well pad with containers and equipment sits among trees.

How and where are plastics made? 


Find out how plastics are produced in the US and find out how it impacts communities using geography tools like our GIS interactive map.

Co-created with FracTracker Alliance

Grades 7 and up
30 to 60 minutes

A red pipe sticking up from the ground emitting a large flame.

How is plastic production connected to climate change?

Interactive Map

Analyze how plastics production contributes to greenhouse gas emissions using our interactive map.

Co-created with FracTracker Alliance

Grades 9 and up
60 to 90 minutes

recycling bin with chasing arrows symbol

Can it be recycled?


Find out why less than 10% of plastic gets recycled globally and what we can do about it.

Grades 5 and up
60 to 90 minutes

English Language Arts, Social Sciences, Civics

Lesson image card - Shipping containers vessel in a narrow channel.

Shipping Container Spills: Who is Responsible?


Investigate effects of shipping container losses on the environment and engage in a Lincoln-Douglas style debate regarding responsibility of reporting and cleanup.

Co-created with educator Ashley Sarvis

Grades 4 and up
2 hours

Aligned with Common Core Literacy Standard SL.5.1

A view of the stern of research vessel Alguita from the water.

Plastic Soup in a Brave New World


Compare themes between two texts, Plastic Ocean Chapter 1 by Charles Moore, and The Tempest by William Shakespeare and create maps to present the similarities and differences between the two storylines.

Co-created with educator Sarah King

Grades 10 and up
3 weeks

Aligned with NCTE / IRA Standards

Lesson image card - woman sitting among plastic packaging on ground and hanging from a clothes line

A Timeline of Throwaway Living and a Preconceived Endgame


Analyze the historical events that led to contemporary attitudes towards waste and throw-away culture through a collection of book excerpts, articles, and other publications, and develop a potential future outcome for an end to the culture of disposability.

Co-created with educator Sarah King

Grades 9 and up
2-3 weeks

Aligned with NCTE / IRA Standards

Lesson image card - Person holding a plastic jug and looking puzzled.

Plastics and our Health

Socratic Seminar

Investigate the consequences of plastics on the health of humans and other living organisms. Engage in a Socratic seminar exploring the ethical considerations of the harm to various species due to plastic production and use.

Co-created with educator Julie Keck-Centeno Ed.D.

Grades 9 and up
3-4 hours

Aligned with AP Environmental Science

Standards Alignment Guides

Suggested outlines for incorporating our free materials into your standards-aligned curriculum.

Workers sweep plastic debris washing over seawall

AP Environmental Science Unit 8: Plastic Pollution and Solid Waste

This guide outlines our suggestions for how to incorporate our resources into your Advanced Placement Environmental Science Unit 8 curriculum on aquatic and terrestrial pollution.

Grades 10 to 12
2 to 6 hours

Close up of sand grains and plastic particles.

NGSS MS-PS1-3 Synthetic Materials

This guide will outline our suggestions for how to use a few of our resources to teach about the following Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Performance Expectation: MS-PS 1-3 Gather and make sense of info to describe that synthetic materials come from natural resources and impact society.

Grades 6 to 8
Variable Timing

Guide image tile- plastic bag floating under water

NGSS MS-ESS 3-3 Human Impact - "Plastic Ocean" 

This guide will outline our suggestions for how to use a few of our resources to teach about the following Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Performance Expectation: MS-ESS 3-3 Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment.

Grades 6 to 8
Variable Timing

“Algalita has opened my eyes and I am even more motivated to continue teaching the new generations how we can save our planet. There is hope, if we start with education.”

-Laura Bermudez, Educator