Student Action Guides
We’ve laid out our top ways to take action at home, school, in your community, and beyond!
Everyone has a unique role to play in the quest to create a world where plastic pollution is unthinkable.
Wayfinder Society can help you find your role.
Join students around the world by using these step-by-step guides to make a positive impact.
Create an account to track your hours and to get help and feedback.
Earn community service hours, apply for a mini-grant, and share your story!
We're stopping plastic pollution in its tracks...
4249 Hours logged so far!
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Featured Action!
The Story of Plastic – Watch the Film
Watch this game-changing documentary about the effects of plastic on communities around the world. Complete this Action and the follow-up Action Systems Mapping to become eligible for our Student Mini-Grant.
Find An Action
Use the search box or buttons to find an action based on your interests and goals!
Share your vision for a world where plastic pollution is unthinkable.
Pack a litterless lunch for three consecutive days.
Use social media to spread plastic pollution awareness.
Ask your federal government representatives to co-sponsor the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (BFFPPA).
Watch The Story of Plastic documentary and share your thoughts with us.
Keep your compostable waste out of the trash and build healthy soil.
Get to know the #SkipTheStuff campaign.
Engage with local politicians in a formal setting.
Learn about how your elders maximized their resources before the deluge of “disposables”.
Find out how language injustice can limit a community's opportunity to shape and protect their own health and environment. / Descubra cómo la injusticia lingüística puede limitar la oportunidad de una comunidad para moldear y proteger su propia salud y medio ambiente.
Tune into The Indisposable Podcast to hear inspiring discussions about how people are making "reduce and reuse" a reality.
Write a letter to a hero in The Story of Plastic film to thank them for sharing their story.
Explore various eco-career pathways and interview someone who is in your field of interest.
Raise awareness of plastic pollution by recording a song or creating a video.
Connect with another change-maker who is addressing plastic pollution in your area.
Map out how your community could create a zero waste compost system.
Transition your cafeteria away from wasteful spork packets.
Be a household leader by helping your family adopt more sustainable habits.
Host a virtual screening of The Story of Plastic documentary.
Get reusable bags into lots of hands and homes by hosting a workshop.
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