We were so excited to reconnect with the Algalita Youth Summit adult advisors last week!
You can view the event recording here. Here are a few of our favorite quotes from the event:


“Every February, there’s a smell in the air that brings me back to the Summit and I start crying. For me, my one word for the experience is, “moving”. To see and hear a room full of teenagers from all over the world so passionate about our environment and aligning values is so incredibly moving. I cried every time.” – Lisa McCarthy


“Getting into the Algalita Youth Summit was a BIG DEAL for my Green Team. Truly, it was a privilege. My one word for my experience is, “inspiring”. It was always special, and I hope it returns.” – Pamela Weinstein


“I still hear from my students about the Blue Marble. I gave mine to my professor who was one of the guest speakers that time. That whole idea of how impactful water is had a huge impact on everyone whether they were living by the ocean or not.” – Lynz Mullaney


“Plastic pollution is a really hard topic to discuss, and sometimes you feel like you can’t make a difference. It feels unavoidable and just so hard and heavy. To see so many kids from all around the world working on the same cause was so uplifting for them. The Algalita team made a hard topic enjoyable while teaching us how to tackle these bigger problems.  Connection is the one word I would use to describe my experience.” – Jacqueline Omanya


“This movement is such a team effort, it really takes a village to feel that you’re not alone and that’s comforting and empowering and inspiring. I am so grateful to Algalita and many other NGOs that have helped us find our way and who give us that “eco-friendly fuel” to move forward in this fight against single use plastics.” – Ben Kay