Environmental Science Fieldtrips

Algalita’s fieldtrips foster environmental stewardship by connecting students with their watershed through real hands-on research and investigation.

Our mission is to design and deliver educational experiences that empower individuals to understand the full-scope of plastic pollution’s impact on people and the planet, while also providing tangible ways to support solutions. Our fieldtrips give students a first-hand experience to help them understand humans’ impact on the environment and an introduction into the ways synthetic materials impact society.



  • Fieldtrips may be scheduled throughout the school year, for up to 40 students.
  • Our fieldtrips are open to Grades 6 and up, including college/university classes, home school, and community groups.
  • We do charge a fee for fieldtrips (approximately $40/student). Financial aid, including fee waivers and bus fee reimbursement, available by application to public schools with restrictions as funding lasts.
  • Full day or half day fieldtrips available.

Please fill out our interest form for more information and to discuss scheduling options.



During our fieldtrips, students:

  • Collect their own water samples and analyze them for microplastics
  • Measure water quality in Alamitos Bay
  • Conduct a trash audit and visual bio-survey of marine organisms in our urban coastal environment
  • Investigate plastic pollution in beach sand to evaluate sources
  • Map their watershed and sources and sinks of pollution, as well as policies and solutions addressing plastic pollution
  • Discuss and view solutions at our refill shop
  • Connect with the founder and scientists at our sister nonprofit’s state-accredited research laboratory

Find follow-up step-by-step action projects for students to address plastic pollution at home, school, and beyond in our Student Hub. Ask about scheduling a follow-up in-class presentation to kickstart student projects.

Based on your time constraints, grade level, and educational goals, we’ll work with you to fine-tune the fieldtrip experience.


“I love how your resources are not just about the science, they’re also about passion, love for something, creating connection.”

– Teacher at Algalita Summit


We are community members, educators and students moving towards a world where plastic pollution is unthinkable!

Sign up for our newsletter for updates, events, educational resources, and opportunities to get involved.