There are moments in life when everything feels like it has come full circle, and Algalita’s 30th Anniversary Garden Gala was one of those moments. Hosting the event at our founder’s original urban farm, the very place where Captain Charles Moore first nurtured his vision for ocean conservation, was nothing short of extraordinary. What began as a bold vision to tackle plastic pollution has blossomed into a movement that spans the globe—and our gala was a perfect tribute to this journey.

This event offered more than just a beautiful setting—it gave us a chance to connect face-to-face with the individuals who have stood by Algalita for years. Many had been supporters since our early days, while others were newer partners, eager to contribute to our fight against plastic pollution. Each conversation I had left me inspired, grateful, and reminded me of one simple truth: it’s our community that makes our mission possible. Hearing why people give—whether out of love for marine life, concern for future generations, or passion for environmental justice—reminded me that Algalita’s work touches lives far beyond our team. Seeing the faces of our supporters and feeling their enthusiasm in person was a powerful reminder that our journey has always been a collective one.

The evening was nothing short of magical, filled with rich conversation, sustainable gourmet cuisine prepared by our friends at Heritage Farm, music, and beautiful weather. A highlight of the night was undoubtedly the unveiling of the new ORV Alguita mini-documentary: a 14-minute film that celebrates the legacy and ongoing mission of Captain Charles Moore and his pioneering vessel, the ORV Alguita, in the fight against plastic pollution. The documentary honors the vessel’s 30-year history, highlighting its role as a platform for scientific research, environmental education, and inspiring action around the world. It also showcases the collaborative spirit of the crew, scientists, and young activists who have sailed aboard the Alguita, learning firsthand about ocean ecosystems and contributing to the ever-growing body of research on marine plastic pollution. We will be hosting an international community screening of the film in early December 2024. Stay tuned for more details!

Thank you to everyone who joined us on this memorable night. Your presence, in this deeply significant space, was a testament to the shared commitment that drives Algalita forward. To all of our donors, thank you for your trust, your generosity, and your belief in our vision.

Thank you for making this evening, and our journey, truly special. Here’s to 30 years of truly revolutionary plastic pollution research and education!

With heartfelt gratitude,
Katie Allen
Executive Director

30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala
30th Anniversary Garden Gala