The Story of Plastic (Animated Short)

The Story of Plastic (Animated Short)

This video will introduce you to the plastic “life-cycle” which pollutes at each stage. Video Credit: This video was produced by The Story of Stuff Project and is a condensed version of the Story of Plastic feature-length documentary. Check out our Story...

Trash Cam LIVE

Looking down into the brackish water, the Trash Cam gives us an eye into how plastic pollution is impacting the Alamitos Bay ecosystem. What do you see? Where is the Trash Cam located? Algalita’s Trash Cam is located in...
Dive Deep with Lanternfish

Dive Deep with Lanternfish

Meet an important yet little-known marine organism impacted by plastic pollution and understand why it is a key part of the marine food web and carbon cycle. What is a lanternfish? Lanternfish are some of the smallest and most abundant...
Take a Swim in the Plastic Soup

Take a Swim in the Plastic Soup

This video was taken by Dale Selvam, first mate on board Algalita’s research vessel. He dove into the deep open ocean with a snorkel and underwater camera during an Algalita expedition in 2014. This map shows where the video above was taken on Day 36 of the...
Plastic Pollution Basics

Plastic Pollution Basics

This video will introduce you to the human-made materials called “plastics” and why they are so problematic. What are plastics? Assorted plastic debris collected from the beach and arranged by color. Photo credit: Algalita In the 1900’s, fossil fuel...