As you complete Actions your Hours will add up. As you reach the 5-Hour and 10-Hour milestones, we’ll send you a small token of our appreciation!
You can see all of your tracked hours and milestone prizes on your profile page.
Certificates and Swag

Community Changemaker Certificate
Complete 5 Hours

Wayfinder Society Ambassador Prize
Complete 10 Hours
Below is a list of all the Actions you can complete to earn Hours as a member of the Wayfinder Society.
Get Moving with the #BreakFreeFromPlastic Movement
Learn what a social movement is, and how they work, by learning about the global movement to end plastic pollution
Support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act
Ask your federal government representatives to co-sponsor the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (BFFPPA).
Signal the Alarm on Planned Obsolescence
Raise awareness on what planned obsolescence is and what to do about it.
The Story of Plastic – System Mapping
Learn about and map out how plastic influences our world: our choices, planet, health, and social systems.
The Story of Plastic – Write to a Hero in the Film
Write a letter to a hero in The Story of Plastic film to thank them for sharing their story.
Engage with a Community Change-Maker
Connect with another change-maker who is addressing plastic pollution in your area.
Examine Language Injustice with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 / Examinar la injusticia del lenguaje con la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964
Find out how language injustice can limit a community's opportunity to shape and protect their own health and environment. / Descubra cómo la injusticia lingüística puede limitar la oportunidad de una comunidad para moldear y proteger su propia salud y medio ambiente.
Explore Uplifting Solutions
Tune into The Indisposable Podcast to hear inspiring discussions about how people are making "reduce and reuse" a reality.
Eco-Career Wayfinding
Explore various eco-career pathways and interview someone who is in your field of interest.
Ask Your Elders
Learn about how your elders maximized their resources before the deluge of “disposables”.
Be a Greenwashing Detective
Train yourself to detect greenwashing and understand its complexities.
Storytelling for the Future
Share your vision for a world where plastic pollution is unthinkable.
The Story of Plastic – Watch the Film
Watch The Story of Plastic documentary and share your thoughts with us.
Find out: What happens to my trash?
Find out how plastic waste is managed in your community.
Get Creative with Artivism
Raise awareness of plastic pollution by recording a song or creating a video.
PLAN Plastic Free Campus Manual
Learn how you can lead the charge toward creating a plastic-free campus by exploring PLAN's Plastic Free Campus Manual.
Engage with a Local Politician
Share your concerns about plastic pollution or plastic consumption with a local politician.
Do a Single-Use-Plastic Home Waste Audit
Be a household leader by helping your family adopt more sustainable habits.
Compost Your Food Waste
Keep your compostable waste out of the trash and build healthy soil.
Design a Zero Waste Composting Network
Map out how your community could create a zero waste compost system.
The Story of Plastic – Host a Screening
Host a virtual screening of The Story of Plastic documentary.
Conduct a #BreakFreeFromPlastic Brand Audit
Hold brands accountable for plastic pollution in your community - and globally.
Host a Better Bag Workshop
Get reusable bags into lots of hands and homes by hosting a workshop.
Pathway Badges
Below is a list of all the Pathway Badges you can earn by completing the Actions above!

Earth Protector
4 Steps
- Submit Do a Single-Use Home Waste Audit
- Submit Ask Your Elders
- Submit Recharge in Nature
- Submit Write a Love Letter to the Sea

Beginner’s Badge
4 Steps
- Complete SOP Animated Short Journaling Questions
- Complete Explore Uplifting Solutions
- Complete Pack a Litterless Lunch
- Complete Get moving with the #BreakFreeFromPlastics Movement

Artivist Badge
4 Steps
- Submit Create a Better Bag
- Submit Storytelling for the Future
- Submit Get Creative with Artivism
- Submit Write a Love Letter to the Sea

Sustainable School Badge
4 Steps
- Submit Trending: #NudeFood
- Submit Compost Your Food Waste
- Submit Banish the Spork Packet
- Submit Get Creative with Artivism

Systems Thinker Badge
4 Steps
- Submit Stop and Jot
- Submit Be a Greenwashing Detective
- Submit Signal the Alarm on Planned Obsolescence
- Submit The Story of Plastic- System Mapping

Environmental Justice Badge
4 Steps
- Complete Breathe This Air Journaling Questions
- Complete Examine Language Injustice
- Complete Design a Zero Waste Composting Network
- Complete Storytelling for the Future

Community Change-Maker Badge
4 Steps
- Submit Map Out My Local Government
- Submit Engage with a Community Change-Maker
- Submit Host a Better Bag Workshop
- Submit Inspire Change in Restaurants

The Story of Plastic Badge
4 Steps
- Submit Stop and Jot
- Submit Write to a Hero
- Submit the Story of Plastic- Host a Screening
- Submit Conduct a #BFFP Brand Audit

Active Citizen Badge
4 Steps
- Submit Map Out My Local Government
- Submit #SkiptheStuff
- Submit Attend a City Council Meeting
- Submit Engage with a Local Politician