Plastic Pollution from Aquaculture
It is impossible to make a complete list of the environmental impacts of the current human population, a population that is a thousand-fold larger than the mean population of other similar-sized mammals. One set of influences has involved our use of the seas for food....
2016/2017 Expedition to South Pacific Gyre Map & Blogs
During this expedition, Algalita collected plastic pollution samples across the Equatorial Currents, the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre and at various stations along the Chilean coast in order to strengthen the existing data set. In addition to quantitative analysis,...
Sprinkles In the Sea / 2017 Expedition to the South Pacific Gyre Highlight
Check out all 2016/2017 South Pacific Expedition Blogs here. Remember eating sprinkles on cupcakes as a kid? The tiny little colorful sugary beads… So colorful and delicious! And always associated with good times… but, if you spilled them, man oh man, what a task it...
Macro Debris / 2017 Expedition to the South Pacific Gyre Highlight
Check out all 2016/2017 South Pacific Expedition Blogs here. By 1700 yesterday evening our Manta Trawl samples were diminishing in micro-plastic (≤5mm) quantities and our macro -debris collection (≥20mm) was nil. A positive sign!? Well, yes in some ways! It is telling...
2014 North Pacific Expedition Map & Blogs
In August 2014, we returned with a team of scientists from six weeks at sea conducting research in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch — one of five major garbage patches drifting in the oceans north and south of the Equator at the latitude of our great terrestrial...
7 Ton Ghost Net / 2014 Expedition to North Pacific Gyre Highlight
We spent the night moored to the approximately 7 ton island of Hi-Zex brand buoys made by Sanshin Kako Ltd. The ropes dangling below the buoys were carefully spread apart and had scallop shells inserted, apparently as a recruitment site for oysters. When the tsunami...
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THINK GLOBAL Everything you need to know about the Global Plastics Treaty >> Help Keep Our National Parks Single-Use Plastic Free >> Under 25? Take this survey to help our global movement >> ACT LOCAL This Sunday (4/24): Algalita Beach Cleanup and...
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