Let’s Break Free From Plastic Pollution

Let’s Break Free From Plastic Pollution

Humanity is just beginning to wake up to the real story behind plastic pollution. For decades, we have been distracted by anti-litter campaigns, greenwashed corporate promises, and the lure of recycling. Not only have we been lied to, but we’ve been blamed. Big...


The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act has been reintroduced! For the first time ever, our movement has a chance to address various aspects of the plastic pollution crisis at a NATIONAL level. If passed by Congress and signed into law, the Act will: Ban certain...
Why the planet needs us to care about each other

Why the planet needs us to care about each other

Repost of Article by Yvette Arellano of T.e.j.a.s. and Lauren C. Moore of UPSTREAM   Environmentalism: concern and action aimed at protecting the environment Environmental Racism: Environmental racism is the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on...
Interview with Captain Moore

Interview with Captain Moore

An interview conducted by Made out of WHAT – an organization supporting a global movement towards a trash-free world through art and design. Every so often, one gets the chance to meet people that touch your heart and mind like Captain Charles Moore – the ocean...