The Story of Plastic – Write to a Hero in the Film

The Story of Plastic – Write to a Hero in the Film

Photo credit: Algalita Your mission Write a letter to a hero in The Story of Plastic film to thank them for sharing their story. Time Commitment: 1 Hour Range of Impact: Home, Global Why this project is impactful We’re all in this together and it’s important that we...
Create a Better Bag

Create a Better Bag

Photo credit: Deep Creek Middle School  Your mission Design a reusable bag from a t-shirt or any old cloth. Time Commitment: 2 Hours Range of Impact: Home This Action was created in partnership with Bahamas Plastic Movement. Why this Action is impactful Single-use...
Recharge In Nature

Recharge In Nature

Photo credit: Jeremy Bishop on Pexels Your mission Have fun and relax in nature! Time Commitment: 2 Hours Range of Impact: Home Why this Action is impactful Plastic pollution is a heavy topic and learning about it can be very overwhelming. Its important to take time...
Get Vocal on Social

Get Vocal on Social

Photo credit: Ketut Subiyanto Your mission Use social media to spread awareness about plastic pollution. Time Commitment: 1 Hour Range of Impact: Home, Community, Global Why this Action is impactful Social media can be used to educate, inspire and connect. Sharing...
Design your own Action

Design your own Action

Photo credit: Joshua Earle Your mission What do you think is an important way people should take action to address the plastic problem or a related environmental-social issue? Design your own Action that does not yet exist in Wayfinder Society that you think students...