Eco-Career Wayfinding

Eco-Career Wayfinding

Photo credit: Algalita. Your mission Explore various eco-career pathways and interview someone who is in your field of interest. Time Commitment: 2 Hours Range of Impact: Home, and Global Why this Action is impactful In order to address the environmental challenges we...
Trending: #Nude Food

Trending: #Nude Food

Photo credit: Antoni Shkraba on Pexels Your mission Start a litterless lunch trend at your school!  Time Commitment: 2 Hours Range of Impact: Home, School This Action was created in collaboration with Hannah Smailes, founder of SeaGood. Why this Action is impactful...
Do a Storytime Read-Aloud

Do a Storytime Read-Aloud

Photo credit: Algalita Your mission Read a book about plastic pollution aloud to a class. Time Commitment: 3 Hours Range of Impact: School Why this Action is impactful Stories are powerful agents for learning. Connecting with young students and sharing that you care...
Ask Your Elders

Ask Your Elders

Photo credit: Los Muertos Crew on Pexels. Your mission Learn about how your elders maximized their resources before the deluge of “disposables”. Time Commitment: 3 Hours Range of Impact: Home Why this Action is impactful Many years ago, before plastics were everywhere...
Storytelling for the Future

Storytelling for the Future

Photo credit: Students of Collaborative Digital Arts Development at Bowling Green State University Your mission Can you imagine a world where plastic pollution is unthinkable?! Share your vision through a written story or a picture story. Time Commitment: 3 Hours...